Thursday, July 31, 2008

Subliminal Advertising and Smoking

Can you spot the subliminal message in this image?

How about this one?

Both of these images feature a picture of a skull inside the smoke coming out of the cigarette. This is clearly trying to associate smoking with death. When looking at the picture quickly, these images may not be noticeable consciously, but the unconscious may be able to pick up these images. Advertisers for anti-smoking campaigns could use images like these in hopes that the people viewing them will pick up the idea that smoking is dangerous and that they shouldn’t do it. Smoking is unhealthy!

Now watch this video and see another way subliminal messaging can work.

In this video phrases are flashed very quickly and are too subtle to be noticed. Although the viewer isn’t conscious of the messages they are seeing, it is believed that the unconscious can be influenced by them. This video uses sayings like “smoking causes cancers” and “smoking ages skin” in hopes that the unconscious will become aware of these phrases, which will hopefully allow the viewer to make the decision that smoking is bad. Smoking is bad for you.

Subliminal messaging is often used in tapes or CDs that a person can listen to in an attempt to help them quit smoking. The Brain Wave Subliminal is one example of this type of tape and promises to help you quit smoking, minimize withdrawal symptoms, and reduce cravings. The product description states that it “activates the unlimited power of your subconscious because it incorporates brain wave frequencies that induce states of hyper-receptivity to subliminal messages.” Some of the subliminal messages in the tape include “I am willing to change”, “With every breath I choose health”, and “It’s easy to let go, I love my body.” Although listening to this product won’t automatically make you stop smoking, the positive suggestions could affect the person’s mood and help put them in a mindset that would make quitting much easier. Don't Smoke!

Did you notice the subliminal messages hidden within this post? Hidden here are phrases such as “Don’t smoke” and “Smoking is bad for you” which are very small and light in color so they may be too subtle for someone to consciously notice them. It is possible that the mind will still pick up these messages and let the reader know that smoking is bad for them.

-Subliminal Advertising (Message #3)

Pictures: 1, 2, 3
Brain Wave

Author: Stephanie

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